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Headshot of Mrs. MaddoxMrs. Maddox has been the counselor at the Career Tech Center since 2016.  Prior to coming to the Center, she was a Social Studies teacher, a college recruiter, a Career & Technical Counselor at MGCCC, and a counselor at West Harrison High School.  

Mrs Maddox has a Master of Science in Counseling Psychology, and is a National Certified School Counselor.

She says, “What I love most about school counseling is seeing students grow into the young adults they were meant to be.  I get to be a part of their journey to SUCCESS!”

What does a Career & Technical Counselor do, anyway?

  • Addresses students’ academic, career and social/emotional needs.
  • Designs, implements and evaluates a comprehensive counseling program that promotes student success.
  • Promotes access for all students.
  • Supports a safe learning environment.
  • Collaborates with other professional staff to provide a seamless integration of academic, career and personal skill resources.
  • Positively impacts student success by building student employability skills.

"If you are unwilling to succeed, no one can help you. 
If you are determined to succeed, no one can stop you." 

Author unknown

"A quality education has the power to transform societies in a single generation, provide children with the protection they need from the hazards of poverty, labor exploitation and disease, and give them the knowledge, skills, and confidence to reach their full potential." 
Audrey Hepburn