Mississippi Tech Master Students are preparing for their future careers. Employers are concerned with ensuring that both potential and incumbent employees have the skills necessary to thrive in today’s workplace. The MS Tech Master program is provided by the Mississippi Economic Council.
Current MDE Career Pathway Track – Academic Course of Study:
4 Credits English
3 Credits Math--Algebra I, Geometry, one Math above Algebra I
3 Credits Science--Biology I and two courses above Biology I
3 Credits Social Studies--US History, Government, MS Studies, and one additional credit
1 Credit Computer Technology
½ Credit Health or PE
2.5 Credits Electives
4 Credits Career Tech program completion
Additional Requirements for Recognition of Mississippi Scholars Tech Master Listed Below:
Mississippi Scholars Tech Master must complete any remaining State-Mandated high school graduation requirements. Dual credit courses are acceptable.
To apply for MS Tech Master Scholar, turn in a copy of your community service documentation that accounts for all required hours to your Career Tech Counselor by March 1.
CLICK HERE for a community service documentation form. Other forms are also acceptable.